Main Page

From KA Translators
Revision as of 20:30, 4 May 2017 by Jakegoldwasser (talk | contribs) (Updates from Khan Academy)

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This website is created by language Advocates for Khan Academy; it doesn't represent the official position of Khan Academy; please consider it a fan site. Thanks go to KA Deutsch, the team driving the German efforts, for hosting this site and many other helpful tools.

It is meant to share best practices for achieving success with localization, awareness and adoption of KA around the world. For help and guidelines for all translators, please see Zendesk.

Updates from Khan Academy

Project Organization

Translation Technical Points

Awareness and Adoption



things that benefit everyone ( Feel free to do/ comment/ add)

  • Added short description of dAlEK, a system to manage and simplify a team's translation process wiki
  • DONE! Video:Intro to Crowd-in and how to translate( screen capture) Translate Khan Academy on Crowdin- Basics
  • Video:Videoediting/ dubbing/ remakes for dummies
  • Explanation of how Chameleon will function for creating Localized Curriculums
  • Explain the steps, resources and work (Man-hours) needed to create a localized Curriculum as has been done in Spanish. This will enable countries who may have funds / or resources to choose this alternative, rather than wait for the real curriculum mapping feature
  • ETA for real curriculum mapping for countries for test (handful), beta (10-20) Real: Everyone. is it 2017 or -18 or later
  • what to do in what order as new language.
  • Outline what and how we are allowed to market using KA material
  • how to run a crowdfunding campaign
  • create a good checklist for new countries ( steps to take to get a flying start to project)
  • Create/ find a video( approx 50-120 secs) that can be used as crowdfunding or marketing video blank, for all countries, to possibly be voiced over, or that works as is...
  • What is the most useful/ free tool chain to handle on boarding/volunteer/ donor/ partner/school/ teacher management: Signups on homepage ( capture) & enter data into CRM based( free?) system & send automated welcome mail & followup mails& send newsletters/ hangout meeting bookings etc. what else do we need? keep track of crowdin ID and ( maybe too hard: deliveries)... ( Answer could be: mailchimp+ civicdm or something like that, if it works)

About this Wiki

Consult the User's Guide on how to use a wiki. Hint: it's just like Wikipedia.

For KA translation questions, please contact Joy or Jake. For technical wiki questions, please contact Daniel or Alain. We also keep Admin notes.

Housekeeping: please pick a username that is easy to link to you, e.g., dcholakov or Alain_Schaefer‎. If your application isn't approved within a couple days, please email us.